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*The resources found in this page come from external sources.


If the parties here involved wish the removal of their information, please send me an e-mail to and I will respond to their requests as soon as possible.


On the other hand, if other organizations wish to contribute with information to this website they can contact me in the same manner.


(For High School Students)

Latino Community Stage 

According to their website, "We are an online platform where aspiring Latina & Latino students can explore academic & career interests in STEM and answer one question. What do I want to be when I grow up? 


Our Mission is to bring visibility to Latino/a STEM role models on the world's stage.


Our Purpose is to provide a symbolic place where aspiring Latino/a students can explore academic & career interests in STEM disciplines.


See their website:

Clubes de Ciencia Mexico 

According to their website, "Clubes de Ciencia Mexico (CdeCMx) is a non-profit organization that seeks to encourage Mexican students to pursue professional careers in STEM. We have designed and implemented a blended model of STEM education through hands-on workshops, called Clubes and online courses, named MiniMOOCs.


The Clubes and MiniMOOCs target high school and undergraduate students.


The curriculum of each Club and miniMOOCs is developed by a team of young scientists from the most prestigious universities and research institutions in Mexico and the USA."


See their website:

Yale Young Global Scholars - Applied Science and Engineering 

According to their website, "The Applied Science & Engineering session (ASE) is designed for students who are interested in learning about the physical sciences and applying scientific principles to real-world applications.


Students examine disciplines such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, and earth science and explore interdisciplinary applications ranging from the nanoscopic to the astronomical in scale."


See their website:

Perimeter Institute -
International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) 

According to their website, "ISSYP is an exciting and challenging two-week program for Canadian and international high school students with a keen interest in theoretical physics who intend to pursue physics at the university level."


See their website:

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